Astrology is an ancient science in all futurology science. With the guidance of an Astrology,
You may find your Favourable and Unfavourable time for Finance, Relationship, Health, Social life, Career, Name and Fame, Foreign connection and Property.
Now the time to learn an Astrology and Vaastu is very easy with more option.
People are learning an Astrology and Vaastu as passion and convert into as professional.
Dr. Talsaniya teaches an Astrology and Vaastu with more than 7 years of depth experience at national level and reliable organisation in India.
He is a guide to Doctorate student, for international recognised university.
You may contact Dr. Ketan Talsaniya for learning an Astrology/ Vaastu in classroom | Online | Correspondence.
Amb. Dr Ketan Talsaniya
Founder – President
Indian Ancient Science Education and Culture Research Institute (Regd.)
Photos & Review Video of Astrology Classes / Students :